Thursday 27 October 2011

Exams+Toaster Waffles+Train = Healthy Cookies

It feels like forever since I last posted! Blame it on school, and this terrible thing called midterm exams.
Microbiology was like a mini cupcake, short, sweet, and no regrets after. I got 90%!
My other two classes (Nutrition and Food Science) also went well, and my last class (Statistics) went... let's just say there were a few blank answers. Numbers are tricky okay?!

Anyhow, now I have much more time to do important things, like be on my computer :)

And this weekend, I'm hopping a train to Toronto.
 I'll definitely bring some healthful Halloween cookies for my special friend.
I was thinking these:
Pumpkin Peanut Butter Cookies

No, no, definiitely these:

Caramel Apple Granola Cookies

No, for sure these:

Coco Bats
We'll see :)
Happy living, 

In case you are wondering, Nature's Path Flax Plus Toaster Waffles make a perfectly acceptable Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner during exam week.

I would know...


Molly @ Hungry Hungry Runner said...

congrats on your exam score! That's awesome!!! You must be so happy! :)

I've always wanted to go to Toronto! And I bet by train it is beautiful!

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